Poet Interviews
Check out our poet interviews with contributors we have published in our poetry magazine. These interviews cover everything from how they find inspiration for their poems to where they find community in poetry.
Steven Simon on ‘Under Orange Lamps Near Pink Shutters’
Writing poetry is a completely different experience for me than writing a novel…
Sapphire Allard on ‘When my parents’
It was one of those poems that just arrived fully formed – I find they are, somewhat annoyingly, much better than the ones I spend months fussing over…
Jen Colclough on ‘Deep August’
Poetry is for everyone; you only need to find a voice that can reach you.
Marie Crook on ‘in the dream i’
I think inspiration is everywhere, but you only see it if you’re awake and you’re receptive.
Anda Marcu on ‘Quotidian (III)’
It was between 4 and 5 am; the house was quiet. I remember staring at a pile of orange peels on the desk across the room from me. This poem just poured out – I wrote it in one go.
Imogen Hartland on ‘Simple Creatures’
My poems don’t usually begin as ideas-for-poems. They tend to be borne out of an attempt to solve a problem—some confusion that needs to be untangled and sorted out.
Ellie Jenkins on ‘Scallops Don’t Abandon their Shells’
Everyday life provides so much content for poems in the emotional and political sense. One week it could be something in the news, the next it could be a piece of fruit…
Katy Mahon on ‘Where Light and Darkness Meet’
Poetry, like other creative arts, is a medium where you can explore the truth of yourself and the world, whether that is as a writer or reader of it…
Liz Swanson on ‘Instructions’
Creativity is at the heart of humanity, and so engaging in any creative act serves as a portal toward deeper consciousness and empathy. Whether by writing or reading it, poetry offers…
Cliff Turner on ‘Chewing Nostalgia’
Do not deny what grabs hold of you. Poetry can be as rigid or as fluid as you want it to be. It has the power to contain any thought imaginable…
Erica de Belen on ‘Letters From Your Other Granddaughter’
I mean this in the nicest way possible—get over yourself. Don’t be afraid to write bad, cringe-worthy poems. You will never get it perfectly on your first attempt, and that’s okay…
Samuel Glyn on ‘Birds and Curtains Both’
At all times, be honest. Honest with how you feel, what you think, why you think it. If you think a poem doesn’t work, tinker with it until it does, but no poem will ever become fully formed unless…
Dionna Carter on ‘Legacy’
People are yearning for others to connect with them at the core of who they are, where the disappointment, shame, heartache, confusion has been shoved. I want to get down dirty…
Lee Eustace on ‘Earthenware Glaze’
I write in this discipline to capture bursts of feeling and emotion and to create textured work that I can revisit to help me understand certain feelings that I had at that particular timepoint…
Qiqing Goh on ‘the queen of hearts’
I think everything and anything can form the basis for and breathe life into a poem yet unborn – a falling leaf, a murky puddle, a chipped rock, a stranger’s smile…
Beth Weg on ‘Almost’
“Almost” is also about the dichotomy of connection and separation, and I wanted to explore that feeling we sometimes get of being separated from each other and separated from humanity…
Caroline Banerjee on ‘Ink marks’
I think that my best work, and the work that I feel has begun to capture my poetic voice more clearly, has been created with this mindset, where I am writing not with any kind of outcome in mind…
Alyssa Walker on ‘It’s frustrating living in my head like this’
What I really love about a collection is to see the overall “story” that flows and unfolds within the pages. There are plenty of poems that have brought me to tears with their vulnerability…
Anayis N. Der Hakopian on ‘Longing Belonging’
Just write no matter what, write when it feels right, wrong or completely unknown. Just keep writing and reading and believing your words matter…
Abraham Alexander on ‘There is a tree growing inside me’
Being able to connect emotionally to anything in the universe helps me feel like I’m part of something much greater than myself and instead of becoming fearful of my insignificance…